Alexander Conrad began working for Greeneridge Sciences Inc. deploying acoustic recorders to hear bowhead whale calls in the Alaskan Arctic in the summer of 2011. He collects and analyzes underwater acoustic data to assess human effects on marine life. Most of his fieldwork has been inside the Arctic Circle, in areas such as Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and Baffin Island, Canada. Alex’s analysis efforts have ranged from using direct measurements and assessments of vessel noise, to writing programs used by manual analysts for identifying belugas and other whales. He has written code to detect and measure Greenland narwhal clicks and has modeled underwater acoustic propagation on the New Jersey shelf.
Alex’s pre-Greeneridge seagoing experience entails sailing aboard several tall ships both as deck crew and engineer, as well as measuring currents in the Caribbean Sea aboard the SSV Corwith Cramer. His various other previous research subjects have included fire effects monitoring for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, electromagnetic wave propagation, and geophysics. Download curriculum vitae (PDF, 90 KB).